=天津=「時不知歸巡迴演唱會」天津站6週年紀念「 出賣 」
【老飛機心跳回憶】「時不知歸巡迴演唱會」天津站6週年紀念「 出賣 」好喜歡老師這套幼稚園風舞台服, 特別可愛, 印象特別深刻也因為穿這套時老師有唱了平時沒唱過的歌曲, 歌聲和畫面便一直在腦內繞樑。
一晃眼就6年了, 陪著老師走到每一個城市的時光, 想念著每場演唱會上被老師的歌聲迷得如癡如醉的場景, 道別時會說好再次見面的約定, 就算分離都帶著等候下次見面的正能量, 滿滿的幸福, 當時這些都是我工作和生活的能源加油站, 一次又一次的帶來更強大的推動力。
那些年, 總帶著愛剛不知歸的心情 披星戴月的從自己的城市出發, 朝著您帶給我的希望和光明, 勇往直前的奔向您
親愛的您呢, 是否也懷念~
It's so sweet that that particular song and outfit left a mark on you.I know it must have been a wonderful experience to have attended that concert. {:8_173:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2022-3-4 17:01
It's so sweet that that particular song and outfit left a mark on you.I know it must have been a w ...
so sad it's hard to attend his concert again Naoko 发表于 2022-3-5 15:37
so sad it's hard to attend his concert again
I know. I want this situation to end once and for all. :(